


What is the IPAC?

印度家长咨询委员会(IPAC), Title VI, 为西雅图学区的土著教育提供建议 第六章印度教育补助金. The IPAC is part of the approval process for the grant application, proposed budget, 以及对申请的修改(变更). 成为重要的利益相关者, members of the IPAC represent those who directly benefit from the programming of the Title VI grant. 家长委员会必须协助 development and approval of the annual grant for our district to receive federal funding.



Meetings are virtual (on Teams) and held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 5:00-6:00 p.m. 并向公众开放.

January 9, 2025 
March 13, 2025 
April 10, 2025 
May 8, 2025 
June 12, 2025 

Join the meeting
会议编号:250 768 046 994  
Passcode: nfFuep  

IPAC Executive Board and Members-At-Large 2024-25 Election in October

有兴趣竞选公职? 所有职位都将在2024-25年进行选举. See the IPAC Bylaws for position descriptions, terms, and responsibilities. All parents and legal guardians of current SPS Native students with valid 506 forms onfile are eligible to run for office.

选举程序和时间表将很快公布. Check back!

教师代表Danielle Vaillancourt
Members at large: Brian Vann, Trina Nonis, Heather Puri, Donna Hale-Wolcott, Addie Rolnick


The IPAC (Indian Parent Advisory Committee) election nomination process is now open. 我们邀请你参加选举, which will take place during our next meeting on October 10th via Microsoft Teams.

To submit your IPAC nominations, please use the following form by October 2, 2024: Nomination Form. Nominations will also be accepted during the October 10th IPAC meeting. SPS工作人员将与被提名者联系以确认他们的接受. Nominees will have the option to provide a personal message and photo, which will be shared with the community before the meeting to help everyone get to know the candidates.

The Title VI Indian Parent Advisory Committee is vital in guiding the district on the Native Education 第六章印度教育补助金, 包括预算和计划. 2024-25年任期的所有职位都将进行选举(总统), Vice President, Secretary, 教师代表, and at large). The president position is a two year term and all other positions are a one year term. For position descriptions, terms, and responsibilities, please refer to the IPAC Bylaws.

Parents and legal guardians of current SPS Native students with valid 506 forms on file are eligible to nominate candidates, vote, 竞选公职. 如果您需要提交506表格,请访问 506 Forms 或联系金伯利·霍根 kmhogan@mikangyou.net.

On October 10th, legal guardians of current SPS Native students with valid 506 forms will be eligible to vote. 以下是投票过程的概述, designed in accordance with the IPAC Bylaws and in collaboration with IPAC leadership:

  • Additional nominations will be accepted at the start of the meeting.
  • 候选人将有机会介绍自己.
  • Voters must have a current 506 form on file and be present to vote.
  • 投票将由SPS工作人员制作表格, with results shared by October 16th to ensure accuracy of 506 form records.
  • Voting will be conducted via Microsoft Forms to ensure consistency and ease of use.
  • IPAC’s bylaws indicate that elections are conducted through secret ballot. Every effort will be made to ensure votes are tabulated accurately and securely.

Parent FAQs


These forms are part of the Title VI federal program that ensures the government is providing quality education for Native students as required by Tribal treaties. Every form increases funding for our program and helps all Native students get academic support and cultural programming. These forms are kept confidential and your information will not be shared with outside parties. Though you only need to submit the form once, it doesn’t hurt to turn it in again if you are unsure.

506 forms should be available in your student’s first day of school take-home packet. Please complete and sign the form and return it according to your student’s school instructions.

如果你没有收到学校的复印件, 请下载表格, complete it, 并将其归还给印第安人教育办公室

Please email the 课程、评估和教学执行主任 Cashel Toner cctoner@mikangyou.net,谁能指引你到谁能最好地为你服务.


2024欧洲杯竞猜讨论信用检索选项. Our goal is for all students to graduate high school ready for career, college, or both.


自古以来 是国家规定的部落历史和文化课程吗, 州内所有学校都必须使用的. 华盛顿的29个部落都赞同它的重要性和使用.

2024欧洲杯竞猜 works on a government-to-government basis with their federally recognized partner tribes: the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and the Suquamish Indian Tribe.

Learn more about 2024欧洲杯竞猜 自古以来 and American Indian Studies resources…


Please fill out a volunteer application and return it to either your school site or a liaison with the SPS Native Education department. 为了所有学生的安全, 志愿者必须通过背景调查(WATCH系统), 有指纹和有效的带照片的身份证件.

Please note that while all volunteers must be screened through the district background check system, criminal history does not automatically disqualify school volunteers.


印度家长咨询委员会(IPAC), Title VI advises the Seattle School district in regard to the Native Education 第六章印度教育补助金. The IPAC is part of the approval process for the grants application, proposed budget, 以及对申请的修改. IPAC由15名有投票权的成员组成. 其他家长可以参加并提供意见, 但他们将作为一般会员代表(无投票权). Meetings are open to the public and minutes are recorded then posted on the website for all of the public to access. 可以找到会议记录 在标题IV教育页面.

 The IPAC cannot:

  • 查看保密的506表格或个人学生信息.
  • Set policies and procedures for the 印第安人教育 Manager.
  • Develop by-laws that are not consistent or approved by 2024欧洲杯竞猜 and/or the 印第安人教育 Manager.
  • Hire, fire, or supervise the 印第安人教育 Manager or their staff.
  • 责成或承诺资金给印第安人教育经理.
  • Directly administer projects or leverage the program for self-benefit.

欲了解更多信息,请查看印度教育办公室的 Title VI District and Indian Parent Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities .


If there has been an enrollment-related issue with your student’s documented ethnicity, 你可以去西雅图学校 Enrollment page and use the ” 种族的变化” document link.